Saturday, July 28, 2012

5-4-3-2-1 BUNGEE!!!

MH and I celebrated my birthday by hiking 10 miles and jumping off a bridge. He must be rubbing off on me, because as crazy as it sounds, it was such a fun day!

We woke up at 4:30 AM to meet our guides in the parking lot of the East Fork Trail in the San Gabriel Mountains by 6:00 AM. A hour and a half, and five miles later, we reached the Bridge to Nowhere, and harnessed up for our jumps.

MH signed me up for two jumps, one forward and one backward. Jumping forward reminded me of my diving days and doing a swam dive off of the 3 M board. Jumping backwards was a little more scary. Before the bungee cord stretches, I definitely felt like I was helplessly falling.

MH jumped too and chose to jump backward. Although he says he liked it, I don't think he'll ever feel the need to do it again. I'm so proud of him for managing his fear of heights!

After your adrenaline wears off, you have to hike five miles back to your car. This was probably my least favorite part, but it was still great to be outdoors on a bright sunny day in southern California with my dear husband.

If you're interested in bungee jumping, we definitely recommend going with Bungee America. Our guides, Chris and Tommy, were awesome and made the overall experience fantastic. 

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