Friday, March 5, 2010

Dessert For Dinner

A few weeks ago, MH and I went to Spago for DineLA and while we were there, the table to the right AND left of us ordered an amazing looking dessert. The plate had alternating layers of fluffy looking cake and whipped cream with strawberries. I wish I had a picture so you could see it for yourself. I can only describe it as heavenly, haha. Since our menus were pre-set that evening we couldn't change our dessert choice, but later found out from our waiter that the dessert we wanted was their famous Kaiserschmarren.

Tonight MH and I couldn't decide on what to have for dinner, but both agreed that the Kaiserschmarren sounded great. That settled it and I made dessert for dinner.

The Kaiserschmarrenn recipe is posted on Wolfgang Puck's website. Here is the start to my strawberry sauce and Kaiserschmarren batter.

I think the restaurant alternates their pancakes with layers of whipped cream and strawberries, but their recipe instructs you to assemble it by scooping the souffle out of the pan in chunks, "so it looks a little like the Austrian alps." I think mine looks more like the rolling hills of California. I've never been to the Austrian alps, oh well.

After eating this, MH and I weren't surprised that our Spago dining neighbors ordered this dessert since we were both just shy of licking our plates clean. One day we'll have to go back to compare this recipe to the real deal.

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