Monday, May 30, 2011

2011 Adventure aka Our Honeymoon: Day 8

MH and I continued our adventure in the great Ngorongoro Conservation Area (aka Ngorongoro Crater). It was interesting to see the difference in of the animals demeanor in the crater to those in the Serengeti. The animals in the crater were completely indifferent towards cars, they would cross the road ever so casually, and pay no attention to the roar of a car engine.

This lioness was lying on the side of the road, literally feet away from our car. I could have reached out of the car and touched her. That is, if getting out of the car was allowed.

In the hills of the crater we spotted a serval cat. They are an allusive animal that look like large domestic cats with pointy ears. Before we could watch it for too long, it quickly turned its back to us and snuck off under the cover of the tall brush.

As we left the crater, we came across a cheetah hunting it's dinner. Unfortunately for it, the herd of thomson's gazelle it has it's eye on was on to it's hunt and scurried off before it could get too close.

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