Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2011 Adventure aka Our Honeymoon: Days 1 & 2

On our way to Nairobi, MH and I had a layover in London, so we tried to make the most of it. We invested in an all-day underground pass and visited as many stops as we could before we had to head back to the airport to catch our connecting flight. Here are some of our favorite sights...

Tower Bridge

Buckingham Palace

Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the actual changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, but one guard was checking in on the other guards that were standing post so we were able to take a picture of him on the move.


Getting to Stonehenge was our biggest challenge. We had hoped to catch an organized tour to Stonehenge. However, much to our surprise, the tour we wanted was already sold out so we had to find our own way to Stonehenge via the train to Salisbury. Although the rock formation was much smaller than MH and I anticipated, we both thought that it was still worth the trip. We definitely lucked out and had fabulous weather while we were there.

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