Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wedding Recap

Even though MH and I were both forewarned by all of our family and friends that our wedding day would come and go faster than we could ever anticipate, MH and I still faced each other at the end of the day and and asked where the time in the day went. There are some things I remember as clear as day, and other things that are just a blur. Of the things that I remember the most, I remember seeing MH for the first time when the doors opened to the ceremony room and the overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness that came over me as I walked down the aisle.

After planning for 9 months, we are proud to say that we felt the wedding went off without a hitch. Thanks to our awesome wedding party, family, and vendors, there weren't any catasrophe's or even minor disasters. Sure, there are some things I would change if we did it again, some things could have been better, but we're only getting married once so what is done is done. Now, our focus is on our life together as husband and wife.

Thank you to everyone who shared our special day with us. We were honored to have you with us to celebrate our union and hope you cherish the memories of the day as much as we do.

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