Monday, February 21, 2011

Granola Not So Bars

Every morning, MH has a Cliff bar for breakfast (sometimes two!). This week, instead of restocking on our Cliff bar cases, MH decided to make home-made granola bars.

We searched the net and found a recipe from Alton Brown and combined it with another recipe from the Flour cookbook by Joanne Chang to fit our taste. A lot of granola bar recipes include coconut as a main ingredient and dates as a binder and MH doesn't particularly care for either.

MH decided to use a variety of dried fruits (cherries, raisins, and cranberries) with lots of almonds. They tasted nothing like the processed granola bars you buy at the grocery store and were absolutely delicious! The only disappointing part of them was that they didn't turn out as bar like as we had hoped. Perhaps we needed the Tupperware SnackBar Maker, haha.

Boy oh boy, granola bars are not the healthiest snack for you! MH used half a jar of jam, 6 ounces of honey, and brown sugar, granted it did make approximately 14 bars. After knowing what we put into our granola bars, I cannot imagine how much sugar/sweetener is added to the mass manufactured granola bars. With that being said, I can't wait for MH to make the next batch. After the first day we had them, I couldn't wait for the next opportunity to have another.

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