Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sights In The Southwest: Day 7

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a really neat place to go. Visitors can take an elevator down to the main cavern, located 754 feet below the visitors center. Once down in the cavern, you can walk on a paved trail to explore the different areas of the cavern.   

Most of my pictures turned out blurry since the only light in the cavern are the few lights that have been set up throughout the cavern by the National Park Service. I was able to get a reasonably good picture of this formation called the "Lions Tail" though.

Afterwards, we went to Roswell and visited the International U.F.O. Museum. After reading all of the articles, exhibits, and presentations in the museum, it really does make you wonder if a U.F.O. crashed in Roswell back in 1947. There is a lot of contradictory evidence that seems extraordinarily reasonable.

Before we left Roswell, MH treated me to a delicious frozen custard with berries snack. It was a great way to end our day and start our drive to our next destination. 

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