Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 1 Report

I never really understood a parent's angst when they talked about sending their kids off to their first day of school but now I do. Today, I dropped off my little one for his first day of daycare and am anxiously waiting to hear how it went. Did he have fun and make friends? Or, did he hate it and be a loner? I'm curious to know either way.

Before I confuse anyone, yes, you are still reading MY blog, and no, I still do not have children. I am talking about Hobbs, my quirky and spirited dachshund. After all, he is for all intents and purposes my "child".

It sounds like he got a good report card for his first day. There were no issues and he wasn't overly excited to get picked up to go home so he couldn't have been that traumatized by the experience, right? I guess I'll just have to wait and see if he has any objections to me dropping him off the next time.

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